Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Mixing Colors - A Colorful Spring Visit!

I had the pleasure of kicking-off the spring season
with these preschool cuties.
We flapped, stomped, cheered, buzzed, and wiggled through
storytime with our spring bug friends from

A spring book about color-mixing lends itself to 
a fun and colorful experiment! 
Next, I handed each child a spring egg filled with Playdoh™
that I had cut into flowers.  Each egg contained two of
each primary colors: red, yellow, and blue.
As you can imagine, the kids were excited to begin blending colors.

We kneaded the red and yellow flowers to make orange.
The blue and red flowers made purple.
And the blue and yellow flowers made green.
To prepare for this activity, be sure the depth of the yellow
flowers are twice as thick as the red and blue ones.

The children were thrilled to see the colors blend!

Lastly, we made stick puppets of the book characters.
We colored ladybugs, grasshoppers, bees, caterpillars, butterflies and crickets,
and decorated them with flower stickers.

We had a great time celebrating the spring season!

For more spring and color activities, visit: